A VA Isn’t Just For Business – A VA Is For Life

What do you think a VA does?

Don’t worry if your answer was something along the lines of ‘help businesses get stuff done’. That’s pretty accurate, and honestly it’s what we bang on about a lot of the time in this blog. But did you know that a VA can also be really useful in your personal life?

Think about it. Do you ever wish that you had another pair of hands at home? Someone to make sure all the bills get paid, that the kid’s activity letters are sent, that home office gets decluttered, or the organizing for that big party would just happen on its own? Well, if you choose the right VA, you can get a hand with your lifestyle management as well. For example…


There’s no denying that while travelling is fantastic fun, all the organising beforehand is a ball ache. Whether it’s something as simple and putting together a packing list for disorganised family members, researching destinations, booking flights, connecting transport and hotels, or complicated things like sorting out visas, it’s a headache to manage it all. A VA can handle all of that for you. Just give us destinations, dates and budgets, and we can sort every element of your travel out, so all you need to do is pack your bag and enjoy it. Doesn’t that sound like a much nicer way to go on holiday?

Child Wrangling

Children are chaotic. Even the best behaved require a lot of general wrangling, and that’s before they start to get involved in activities. Keeping track of who is doing what and when can be daunting, along with what needs to be paid to who, what permission forms need to go where, and even what time everything is. At Your Admin Hub we have a lot of experience of children and their various activities, so we’re perfectly placed to help you manage them, no matter how much of a handful they are. It’s just one less thing for you to think about.

General Household Co-ordination

There’s a lot of effort and energy that goes into running a household. From co-ordinating and paying bills, arranging cleaners, buying presents, booking tradespeople (and being in for them), knowing who is where and when, comparing prices, making appointments and even buying and sending cards. It’s a lot to think about, which is why so many of us slip up in at least one area. A VA can help you with everything we mentioned above, and more. We’ve done things like source rare books, taken deliveries, made trips to the post office with arms full of parcels, booked plumbers (and been in the house to receive them so the client could be at work) – pretty much anything you can think of. Make a list and see what we can do – we love a challenge.

Event Planning

There aren’t many people who enjoy planning parties or big events – and if they do it’s usually their job, so not something they want to do at home. And they are stressful, often leaving the planner unable to actually enjoy the event. But events, birthdays and celebrations happen, and if you want to hold a party, then you might need some help planning it all. A VA can help you pick dates, source venues, send out invites, find cakes, decorations and entertainment, organise menus, set up your venue with you and even look after the tidying up afterwards. We have even put on a party for 90 in Spain on 2 weeks notice. So it’s safe to say that event planning is a strong point of ours, and we’d love to make your event a happy reality.

So remember A VA isn’t just for your business – they are for your life too. With a lifestyle VA on your side, your whole life could be running smoothly again, with less stress and much less faff involved. If you’d like to know more about Your Admin Hub, and how we can help you manage your day-to-day personal life, just get in touch and chat with us today.