Healthy Workplace Tips For Small Business Owners

Have we ever mentioned just how many plates you have to keep spinning as a small business owner? It might have come up before., Because on top of making sure you’ve got great products, offering A* customer service, marketing your business and making sure all of the back-office processes are’ in place and working, you also need to look after the wellbeing of yourself and your employees. We know it’s yet another job to add to the list, but it’s an important one to prioritise, since it can cause issues […]

5 Reasons Your Business Needs To Prioritise Admin

Be honest, how much of a priority is your business admin? Not much huh? We know there are lots of other things going on in your business that need your attention, and they probably feel a lot more urgent than staying on top of your tasks and paperwork. But admin is a vital part of running a successful business. So like it or not, it needs to be a higher priority than it currently is for you. Don’t believe us? Here’s 5 reasons why.   Poor Admin = Stress   […]

Have You Planned Your Christmas Party Yet?

Yes, we did just ask that question in September. You might think it’s blasphemous to talk about Christmas so early, before the Halloween decorations have even gone up, but at Your Admin Hub we’ve been in the Christmas spirit for quite a while now. The festive season will be upon us before we know it, which means there are a lot of things to organise and admin to do. Our speciality! To make sure you can enjoy a stress-free end of the year, it’s best to get planning now, and […]

Is A Pandemic The Right Time To Work With A VA?

Over the course of this blog we’ve waxed lyrical about the business benefits of working with a VA. Mainly because there has always been a strong business case for hiring a VA, unless you are big enough to hire a PA in house. And if that’s you – why are you reading this blog? But with the pandemic things have changed. Priorities have shifted, and the focus now for many business owners is on preserving their business and shoring up cash flow. The pandemic has meant putting staff on furlough, […]

Use Your VA To Make Christmas Easier This Year

Christmas. It might be the most wonderful time of the year, but it can also be pretty bloody stressful at times! Especially if you’re a business owner. There is so much to do and mountains of tasks to stay on top of for your personal and home life in the run up to the Christmas break, it’s enough to make your head explode. But fear not! Your VA is here to help. After all, your VA is there to make your life easier – and that includes Christmas! Here’s a […]

Can A VA Help You Get Your Life Together?

A VA is for life, not just for business. It sounds weird, but it’s true. At Your Admin Hub we are firm believers that since your work is a big part of your life, it should be treated as part of it. You can’t separate the two, and if you have a VA helping pick up some of the slack in your business work, why would you not do the same in your personal life? The reality is, most people don’t hire a VA for their personal life because they […]

What You Need To Look For In A VA

If you’ve decided to outsource some of your business admin to a VA, first off let us just say – well done! You’ve joined an elite club of business owners who know what they’re great at, and what they’re shit at – and then outsource the latter. And if you don’t believe us when we say it’s a good idea – bear in mind that a good VA can help you save around 78% in operational costs for your business! But now that you’ve made that very smart decision, it’s […]

What’s Not Included In The Price Of Your VA

Let’s be honest, VAs are masters at taking on almost every job you can throw at them. We are multi-taskers with a wide pool of skills, so there are very few things we can’t do. So when it comes to taking on work for your business, there aren’t many limits to what you can ask us for. But. And this is a big but. There are a few ground rules around what’s NOT covered in the cost of working with a VA. You see, your price for jobs will be […]

Fed Up Of Answering The Phone? Then Don’t!

The phone. Don’t wince at me like that – it’s something we all have to deal with! Every single one of us has a mobile phone nowadays, and we’re willing to bet yours isn’t more than 5 feet away from you right now. They’ve become a key part of our lives, and yet more people than ever suffer from ‘phone phobia’ – the fear of using phones for their original purpose – making phone calls. In fact, making phone calls doesn’t even break the top 10 of what we use […]

Why Outsource Your Invoicing?

Let’s face it, there are some jobs in your business that you just don’t want to do. They might take a really long time, they might be fiddly and complicated, or they might just be something you genuinely don’t like. After all, no one can be good at everything! At Your Admin Hub we’ve noticed that one of those niggly little jobs tends to be the same across a lot of different businesses – and that’s invoicing. Yes, invoicing is essential because without it your business can’t make any money, […]