5 Strategies To Stop You Wasting Time

Are you constantly struggling to keep up with your to-do list? Does it feel like time just slips away faster than you can manage? Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with you. And you’re not lazy, so get your mother’s voice out of your head! No, you just need a little help with time management. With just a few little tricks (and some help from us), you’ll be on top of things before you can say ‘organised’. Want to revolutionise your approach to time management? Read on. Use The Pomodoro Method […]

Battle Royale – Virtual Assistant Vs Calendly

You don’t need us to tell you how busy you are. No matter what stage of business you’re in, or how long you’ve been doing it, there are always more plates to keep spinning. People and tasks will always be demanding your time, and it’s your job to stay on top of it all. If you don’t, it can make your life harder and send the wrong signals to your customers and colleagues. So, how do you do it? There are, generally speaking, two options – use an app like […]

Human VS AI Transcription

Is there anything AI can’t do these days? Well yes, lots of things. But one thing it can do is record and transcribe things for you automatically. So you can have a phone call, and then see the transcription of what was said later on. Cool huh? Well, kind of. Because if we’re honest, AI audio transcription really isn’t that great. In fact, most people who use it end up having to do it themselves or coming to a VA to get an accurate transcription of their audio. Since this […]

9 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Virtual Assistant

If you’re always running around like a headless chicken, never managing to keep up with things, then it might be time to hire a VA. We magical folk are here to help pick up the slack and make life a lot easier for you. But if you want to get the best value out of your VA, then there are a few things you need to do before, and during your work with us. Want to know what they are? Read on. Hire The Right Person We know, it’s easier […]

5 Ways Business Owners Can Make More Time

Who wouldn’t want a few extra hours in a day? Especially a business owner like you, who could achieve so much more with it! We know the Admin Hub ladies have often wished for a Bernard’s Watch to stop time for a little while. But since pausing time isn’t possible just yet, you need to get a little more creative if you want the extra time. As Virtual Assistants, we know a thing or two about efficiency, so we wanted to share some tips to find some extra time in […]

Change Your Attitude, Change Your Results

You know the phrase, you are what you eat? That’s true in business too. OK maybe not literally, but the idea that your approach to something dictates the results you’ll get is something that’s been playing out for years, with thousands of business owners falling foul of it. Often they will take the approach of ‘if it isn’t broken don’t fix it’, preferring to focus on new things rather than changing the things they already do, But we believe this is wrong. Businesses should always be striving to improve their […]

How A VA Can Help You Get Your Pink Back

Did you know that flamingos aren’t always pink? They’re born as these fluffy little grey birds, which you could honestly mistake for any other baby bird. As they grow and mature, their soft down makes way for those iconic bright pink feathers. What can we say, we love flamingos! But the most interesting thing we learned about them is something we learnt just last week. Flamingos lose their pink colouring at one other point in their life, and you’ll never guess what it is. A Flamingo Biology Lesson As we […]

The Art Of Admin Life

Admin is definitely a skill, and not one that everyone naturally possesses. But it is one that anyone can learn if they’re willing to put in the time and effort and understand how their brain works. A big part of admin is learning how to balance things, so you need to make sure you don’t spend so much time doing your admin that you never get anything else done. For some business owners, this means having dedicated admin time during the week, for others, it’s spreading it out little and […]

How a VA Can Keep Your Life Organised in 2023

Have you ever wished that you could have someone come to your house and adult for you? To help you manage all of those little annoying tasks that always seem to pile up, no matter how organised you try to be? Say no more! Whether you’re tearing your hair out over planning an event, can’t seem to stop the spare bedroom from becoming a dumping ground or just can’t keep up with all the kids’ clubs and when you have to pay for all of them, we’re here to help. […]

Self-Care Tips For Business Owners

Let’s be honest, when was the last time you took care of yourself? I mean really focused on yourself, your mental health and your physical health? If you’re a business owner reading this, we’re willing to bet it’s been a while. As a business owner, you often find yourself trying to balance dozens of tasks for your business, decisions that need making and important deadlines to be met, not to mention your home life, children, and other family commitments. And with a global pandemic, economic uncertainty, war and a cost […]