
Can A VA Give You An Easier Life? Hell Yeah! And Here’s 4 Ways How

Have you ever wondered what us VAs actually spend our time doing? Why do people hire us, and what are the kinds of tasks we end up working on in a given day? Don’t worry – everyone’s wondered at one point or another! And the truth is, it could be almost anything. That’s the beauty of virtual assistant services. We’ve talked before about the kinds of things we can do and why we do them before, but today we wanted to shift the focus onto you. Specifically, to look at […]

4 Best Practices For Hiring a VA

If you’ve never worked with a VA before, we know it can be a slightly daunting experience. Even more so if you’ve never outsourced anything for your business before! But don’t worry, a VAs job is to make your life easier, without you needing to fret about how. The only thing you need to worry about is making sure you’re following some of the best practices when outsourcing to your VA, so that the relationship can be as successful as you want it to be. Not sure what they are? […]

5 Ways You Could Be More Productive This Month

Look, we know how you’re feeling. The summer we had all been wishing for is definitely over, and now we’re in that transition into the colder months. It’s getting dark earlier again, it’s wet or overcast most days, and you’ve already had to get out your big jumper to avoid the dreaded ‘putting on of the heating’.  Add that to a year and a half of pandemic sapping all of your energy, it’s no surprise that you’re not really feeling all that productive! But as a business owner, you can’t […]

Managing Your Pricing as a Small Business Owner

Pricing is one of the biggest causes of stress for any business owner, but particularly for smaller, owner managed businesses. Price yourself too high and you will struggle to find customers, but price yourself too low and you will run yourself into the ground for a pittance. But, price your products correctly and you could enhance how much you sell, creating the foundation for a business that can be truly successful. It’s one of the hardest things to do, and unfortunately, it’s one part art and one part science, with […]

5 Time Management Tips For Small Businesses

As a small business owner, there are all sorts of pressures on your time. From customers to admin, managing employees and chasing leads, it can feel like you’re being pulled in a hundred different directions at once. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot you can do about being busy – it’s part and parcel of running a business. But you can make sure that you’re making the most of your time, so that you can pack as much productivity into the time you have as possible. Today, we’ve got a few […]

How Outsourcing Can Help You Reconnect With Your ‘Why’

Every single business owner started their business for a reason. Whether it was to pursue a lifelong passion, to give yourself an outlet for all your creativity or because they didn’t want to work for other people any more – every business owner has a ‘why’. But if you’ve been doing it for a while, it’s easy to lose sight of what that ‘why’ was, leaving you feeling a bit disconnected from your business, or realising your business has drifted from what you originally wanted it to be. So as […]

Can A VA Help You Get Your Life Together?

A VA is for life, not just for business. It sounds weird, but it’s true. At Your Admin Hub we are firm believers that since your work is a big part of your life, it should be treated as part of it. You can’t separate the two, and if you have a VA helping pick up some of the slack in your business work, why would you not do the same in your personal life? The reality is, most people don’t hire a VA for their personal life because they […]

Is Admin Taking Over Your Life?

Do you feel overwhelmed by admin? The feeling of overwhelm is described a lot like drowning – not knowing which way is up, feeling like you’re struggling to breathe, and that you have no control. While lots of things in life can cause you to feel overwhelmed, one of the things we see time and time again with business owners is admin overwhelm. Too often business owners get sucked into this vortex of endless admin tasks that feel as though they have taken over your life, and you end up […]

Taking Care of Your Mental Health as a Business Owner

Being a business owner is an amazing thing. In charge of your own hours, following your passion, choosing exactly what you do and who you work with – on paper it sounds absolutely perfect. But it’s also incredibly hard. There’s a lot of worry about where the next job is going to come from, especially in the beginning, as well as the stress of having to wear so many hats at once, and the difficulties of being the one in charge when things go wrong. Add to that the general […]

Ways to Get Shit Done This Year

Do you feel like you didn’t get enough done last year? Spend a lot of time wallowing in the pandemic gloom, and now feel guilty that your business didn’t grow as much as you wanted?  Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. Productivity was at an all-time low for most people last year, but now with a light at the end of the tunnel, it’s time to kick things into gear and start 2021 on the right foot. If you’re not sure how, here are a few of our favourite tips to […]